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时间:2024-08-15 作者:HHPOKER德扑圈官网_HHPOKER俱乐部加入_德扑圈APP推荐 来源:wecg.61koalas.com 阅读:0

1.Blessing a new love锛?similar to a permanent锛?Congratulations on your wedding day锛佺绂忎竴瀵规柊浜虹湡蹇冪浉鐖憋紝鐩哥害姘镐箙锛佹伃璐烘柊濠氫箣绂э紒

2.Wish you a happy wedding, happiness, passion, said of a couple!

3.Every good wish on your wedding day. Wishing you a world of happiness and love as all your dreams e true. 璋ㄨ春鏂板涔嬬Η!浣嗘効澶╀粠浜烘効,骞哥涓庣埍鎯呮棤杈?

4.You make me a wedding銆傗€?浣犺鎴戜竴鍦哄绀笺€?/p>

5.As you start your married life together hand in hand, may all the things you鈥檙e hoping for turn out the way you鈥檝e planned. 褰撲綘寮€濮嬩綘鐨勫濮荤敓娲讳腑鎼烘墜鍏辫繘,鍙兘鎵€鏈夌殑涓滆タ浣犲笇鏈涘彉鎴愪綘鎵€鐨勬柟寮忋€?/p>

6.I wish you to tie the knot, a harmonious union lasting a hundred years! A happy newlywed, sweet sweet honey!

7.Marriage is a promise for two hearts to give鈥昽ne word, one love, one life to live. Best wishes鈥?today and always. 濠氬Щ鏄竴涓壙璇?涓ら蹇冪粰鈥曚竴涓瓧,涓€涓埍,涓€鏉$敓鍛姐€傛渶濂界殑绁濈鈥︹€︿粖澶╁拰姘歌繙銆?/p>


9.Have a sweet honeymoon锛?/p>

10.I鈥檓 sure everyone here joins me in wishing you two, Bob and Mary, the very best that life has to offer you in your marriage.鎴戠‘淇′粖澶╁湪搴х殑.姣忎釜浜洪兘浼氬拰鎴戜竴鍚岀绂忛矋浼拰鐜涜帀浠咯杩囨渶缇庢弧鐨勫濮荤敓娲汇€?/p>

11.May you have a long and loving life together. 鎰夸綘浠暱涔呫€佺儹鐖辩敓娲诲湪涓€璧枫€?/p>

12.I wish to conclude my speech with a prayer for the continued happiness of the newly married couple.鎴戞渶鍚庤璇寸殑灏辨槸绁濈杩欏鏂颁汉姘告荡鐖辨渤銆?/p>

13.Marriage is like a maze, build a marriage on the people themselves have been lost before.

14.Men marry because they are tired, women because they are curious; both are disappointed. (Oscar Wilde)

15.Happy wedding!

16.Meyou: meetfall in loveget marriedtravel the worldhave kidsgrow old. 鎴戝拰浣?鐩搁亣,鎭嬬埍,缁撳,鐜父涓栫晫,鐢熷効鑲插コ,涓€璧疯€佸幓銆?/p>

17.You two are a perfect match Heres wishing you both a lifetime of happiness 浣犱滑鏄ぉ鐢熺殑涓€瀵癸紝绁濅綘浠案杩滃垢绂忋€?/p>

18.Being in love is easy, being married is not. It is to be cherished. 鎭嬬埍铏芥槗,濠氬Щ涓嶆槗銆備笖琛屼笖鐝嶆儨!

19.My sincere congratulations on your happy marriage and my best wishes to you two for a lifetime of happiness.

20.Happy wedding锛?鏂板蹇箰銆?/p>

21.Love is a dream shared by two. Marriage is the joy of the dream e true. May married life fulfill your dreams. Congratulations!

22.may your marriage be blessed with faith, joy, and love.鎰夸綘浠殑濠氱ぜ鏄湁淇″績銆佸枩涔愬拰鐖便€?/p>

23.Allow me to conclude my brief speech by wishing the bride and bridegroom all happiness and the best of luck for the future.璋ㄧ鏂伴儙鏂板灏嗘潵缇庢弧銆佸绂?浣滀负鎴戠煭鐭杩欎簺璇濈殑缁撴潫銆?/p>

24.The wise never marry, And when they marry they bee otherwise. 鑱槑浜洪兘鏄湭濠氱殑,缁撳鐨勪汉寰堥毦鍐嶈仾鏄庤捣鏉ャ€?/p>

25.May everyday in your life together be as full of happiness and joy as yourwedding day.鎰夸綘淇╃殑姣忎竴澶╅兘鑳藉儚鏂板鏃朵竴鏍?娲嬫孩鐫€蹇箰鍜屽枩鎮︺€?/p>


27.I look forward to greeting you on your golden wedding anniversary.May you have many gold years.

28.Wishing you a wonderful beginning, and love to last a lifetime.

29.To the happy couple, congratulations on this happy occasion and best wishes for everything good in the years to e. 鎭春骞哥浼変开鏂板涔嬬Η,骞剁鏉ユ棩浜嬩簨绉板績濡傛剰銆?/p>


31.I made the right choice when I decided to marry you. Be my Valentine forever.鍐冲畾璺熶綘缁撳,鏄纭殑閫夋嫨銆傛効浣犱粖鐢熶粖涓栧仛鎴戠殑鎯呬汉銆?/p>

32.Fame and wealth are hard to beat. Ive got a wrong marriage.鍚嶅埄闅炬姷缁曟寚鏌?鎴戝凡濮荤紭閿欐惌銆?/p>

33.May you two always be in love! May happiness increase with age. 鎰夸綘淇╂案娴寸埍娌?绁濅綘淇╁垢绂忎笌骞翠勘澧炪€?/p>

34.The life between spouse should be like a pair of chopsticks:They cant be away from each other and they taste everything together.澶淇╄繃鏃ュ瓙瑕佸儚涓€鍙岀瀛?涓€鏄皝涔熺涓嶅紑璋?浜屾槸浠€涔堥吀鐢滆嫤杈i兘鑳藉湪涓€璧峰皾

35.every man should marry. after all, happiness is not the only thing in life.鍐嶅揩涔愮殑鍗曡韩姹夎繜鏃╀篃浼氱粨濠?骞哥涓嶆槸姘镐箙鐨勫槢銆?/p>

36.I wish you two a happy and long married life. 绁濅綘浠濮诲垢绂忕櫧澶村仌鑰?/p>

37.You make me feel so happy;Whenever Im with you.You make me feel so special This love is too good to be true. Rosemary Anne Nash.

38.We wish you both many more anniversaries, each happier than the last.

39.It is my great privilege, on this most auspicious occasion, to say a word of congratulation to the groom, Mr. Smith, and to wish much happiness to his lovely bride.鍦ㄨ繖涓壇杈板悏鏃?鎴戝緢鑽e垢鍚戞柊閮庡彶瀵嗘柉鍏堢敓璇存伃鍠?骞剁浠栫殑鍙埍鐨勬柊濞樺垢绂忕編婊°€?/p>

40.I love being married. Its so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. 鎴戝枩娆㈠濮荤敓娲汇€傛壘涓€涓笌浼椾笉鍚岀殑浜鸿浣犵儲涓€杈堝瓙,绠€鐩存槸澶浜嗐€?/p>

41.No matter when U start,you do not stop after starting. No matter when U end, you do not regret afterended.

42.Only once in a lifetime that a special dream es true. And suddenly your entire world seems beautiful and new. Best wishes always! 涓€鐢熶腑鍙湁涓€娆$編姊﹀疄鐜扮殑濂囪抗,浣犱咯鐨勬暣涓笘鐣岄】鏃跺彉寰楃粴涓芥柊濂囥€?绁濇案杩滃垢绂?

43.I wish you both all the luck and happinelife can offer銆傜鎰夸綘淇╃敓娲荤編婊″垢绂忋€?/p>

44.Brief is life,but love is long.鐢熷懡铏界煭,鐖卞嵈缁甸暱銆?/p>

45.the wise never marry, and when they marry they bee otherwise.鑱槑浜洪兘鏄湭濠氱殑,缁撳鐨勪汉寰堥毦鍐嶈仾鏄庤捣鏉ャ€?/p>

46.wish you a happy wedding锛?happiness锛?passion锛?said of a couple锛佺绂忎綘浠柊濠氭剦蹇紝骞哥缇庢弧锛屾縺鎯呮案鍦紝鐧藉ご鍋曡€侊紒

47.the furthest distance in the world ,is not when i stand in front of you ,yet you cant see my love

48.Congratulations to you both and may the years ahead bring you continued joy and contentment.

49.My very best wishes to you for a lifetime of happiness.鍚戜綘淇╄嚧浠ユ渶缇庡ソ鐨勭鎰?绁濅綘浠粓鐢熷垢绂忋€?/p>

50.It was love that brought you two together, love that joined your hearts as one. And may you find with each new year your love has just begun.

51.Marriage is like life in this that it is field of battle ,and not a bed of roses銆傚濮荤敓娲讳箖鎴樺満鑰岀帿鐟拌姳鏈点€?/p>

52.Marry in haste, and repent at leisure. ----Ray 鑽夌巼鎴愬锛屽悗鎮旇帿鍙娿€?/p>

53.love is the greatest refreshment in life

54.i鈥檓 sure everyone here joins me in wishing you two, bob and mary, the very best that life has to offer you in your marriage.鎴戠‘淇′粖澶╁湪搴х殑姣忎釜浜洪兘浼氬拰鎴戜竴鍚岀绂忛矋浼拰鐜涜帀浠咯杩囨渶缇庢弧鐨勫濮荤敓娲汇€?/p>

55.Our love grows stronger with every passing year.Happy Valentines Day,sweetie.

56.Things that make life easier: A Parent鈥檚 hug, A Lover鈥檚 kiss, A Friend鈥檚 support.

57.Even if we can鈥檛 be together at last,thank God for let you in my life銆?/p>

58.To lose to pursue, to marry marry a happiness銆傝杈撳氨杈撶粰杩芥眰,瑕佸珌灏卞珌缁欏垢绂忋€?/p>

59.May the ing years, fill your lives with love and happiness.

60.You don鈥檛 love someone because of their looks or their clothes or theircar. You love them because they sing a song only your heart can understand.

61.In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself forsomeone, asking for no result, no pany, no ownership nor love. Justask for meeting you in my most beautiful years.

62.In life, couples meet because of fate. To go through life together is happiness.

63.Do not seat your love upon a precipice because it is high.

64.Let us wish you both a hundred years of happiness.

65.There is no need to force love, but be responsible for marriage.瀵圭埍鎯呬笉蹇呭媺寮?瀵瑰濮诲垯瑕佽礋璐c€?/p>

66.I hope that theindividuals can always acpany me to go, do not need to be very slow, onlyneed a very long.

67.Meeting you was fate,and falling in love with you was out of my control.閬囪浣犳槸鍛借繍鐨勫畨鎺掕€岀埍涓婁綘鏄垜鎯呬笉鑷銆?/p>

68.May you always have everything you wish for a rich life together.

69.Sad useless, let oneself live your life is the most important. Love is beautiful, but is not the life plete. 鈥斺€斾激蹇冩病鏈夌敤,璁╄嚜宸卞ソ濂藉湴鐢熸椿鎵嶆渶閲嶈銆傜埍鎯呰櫧缇?鍗翠笉鏄敓娲荤殑鍏ㄩ儴


71.the vow is simple. finding someone worthy, of such a promise is the hard part.but if we can, thats when we begin to live, happily ever after.瑾撹█鏄畝鍗曠殑銆傝鎵惧埌閭d釜鍊煎緱杩欎唤瑾撹█鐨勪汉鎵嶆槸鍥伴毦鐨勩€備絾濡傛灉鎴戜滑鐪熺殑鑳藉鎵惧埌,閭f垜浠氨浼氭案杩滃垢绂忓揩涔愮殑鐢熸椿涓嬪幓銆?/p>

72.Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be.鎵у瓙涔嬫墜,涓庡瓙鍋曡€併€?/p>

73.Love one another and you will be happy. Its as simple and as difficult as that. 褰兼鐩哥埍灏辨槸骞哥銆傚姝ょ畝鍗?濡傛闅俱€?/p>

74.I have had the time of my life and I owe it all to you.


76.Meeting you was fate, being your friend was a choice,but falling in love with you was beyond my control銆?/p>

77.Are you married or single?(浣犵粨濠氫簡鍚?) 銆?/p>

78.For the Bride and Groom Wishing you love in your hearts, joy in your home. 涓烘柊濞樺拰鏂伴儙绁濈浣犵埍鍦ㄥ績涓?鍦ㄤ綘鐨勫閲屻€?/p>

79.Every man should marry銆?After all, happiness is not the only thing in life銆傚啀蹇箰鐨勫崟韬眽杩熸棭涔熶細缁撳,骞哥涓嶆槸姘镐箙鐨勫槢銆?/p>

80.Will you accept me? I wanna share my life with you銆備綘鑳界瓟搴旀垜鐨勬眰濠氬悧?鎴戞兂姘歌繙鍜屼綘鍦ㄤ竴璧枫€?/p>

81.Beautiful season锛寃e love because huddle together銆?/p>

82.love is like a butterfly it goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes

83.Respect people who find time for you in their busy schedule. But love people who never look at their schedule when you need them.

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